Member-only story
A nation's youth is proudly called its future, which is both literally and figuratively true, and hence makes it necessary for us to be politically aware and constitutionally knowledgeable. In the last few years, we have seen numerous marches for gender equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, and protests against the injustice suffered by marginalized communities and ethnicities. We’ve seen people take their rage against discriminatory bills and laws out to the streets, knowing well the risk of getting injured and arrested. It only shows the hypocrisy and cowardice of such governments who boast of their youth as the flag bearers of nationalism and development but target the same youth when they dissent or march for justice.
Specifically, in 2020, India has seen protests ending up with students behind the bars and communal riots that still send chills down the spine when talked about. No matter what ideology you support, which wing shelters it, or how it serves your self — interest, you can not deny that the Government has been biased when accusing someone of the riots instigation or declaring protests as mere conspiracies.
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent…